Dr Erin Barnes


Erin follows the osteopathic principle that the body is a unit and that every part of the person should be considered when trying to find the true cause of a person’s discomfort or pain.  She has working with the human body for over 10 years.

Erin holds a Masters in Osteopathic Medicine and a Bachelor of Clinical Science from Southern Cross University. She has undergone post-graduate training in interests such as Barral visceral osteopathy and  dysfunctional breathing.

Through the post graduate courses she has undertaken, she has developed a  special interest in treating the symptoms and mechanical drivers involved in conditions such as headaches, POTS, Chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia and IBS. All these conditions can involve dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system, impaired lymphatic / glymphatic drainage as well as restrictions within the body’s hard frame impacting optimal function. This osteopathic approach is, in most instances undertaken in collaboration with GPs who have an interest in these conditions as well as other allied health practitioners.

Erin uses a whole spectrum of osteopathic techniques varying from visceral techniques, balanced  ligamentous tension, positional release, craniosacral, muscle energy technique to physical manipulation and believes that having an understanding in all osteopathic techniques allows her to be able to provide a personal approach for each individual.

Working with the idea that ‘patient education is key’, Erin uses her knowledge help people take control of their pain and enables them to manage their recovery through exercise prescription and empowering, positive choices.


Erin is also a casual lecturer in the Osteopathic Masters program at the Southern cross university(SCU) providing her knowledge and guidance for the senior osteopathic students.

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